Apple A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away

because it offers many amazing health benefits. It is delicious and nutritious fruit that everyone must have and eat. Apple contains vitamin A and C, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and other important chemicals (based

because it offers many amazing health benefits. It is delicious and nutritious fruit that everyone must have and eat.

Apple contains vitamin A and C, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and other important chemicals (based on USDA National Nutrient Database). It also contains boron and phenolic compounds (flavonoids). This fruit is low in calories and fat but has high water content.

Now, let us examine the nutrients found in apple.

Vitamins are important to our body for sustaining all our daily activities. Vitamin C which apple possesses builds resistance to infections and improves our immune system. Vitamin A which is also present in apple is good for the eyes, growth and repair of our body tissues.

Flavonoids present in apple helps to detoxify our body. It has antioxidant properties which reduces the risk of diseases involved in the respiratory system. Thus reduces the risk of lung cancer and other possible cancer such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, etc.

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